LifeStream Services is excited to announce the expansion of their food distribution program into all 5 counties of their southernmost service area including Fayette, Franklin, Rush, Union, and Wayne. The expansion, made possible through a partnership with Gleaners Food Bank and funding from the CDC’s Rural Food Access grant, allows for more access to nutritious food options for rural Indiana counties serving higher risk, underserved communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19.

With food items provided through Gleaners, LifeStream’s program ensures homebound individuals have access to fresh, nutritious food options delivered to their homes. Alohna Warren, Food Access Coordinator of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at Indiana Department of Health explained, “This heralds an exciting awareness to additional solutions for good health! There is a nationwide movement to understand and provide support that impacts access to nutritious food not always available to everyone.”

Mandy Williams, Vice President of Programs for LifeStream added, “The past two years have put a spotlight on food insecurity among the most vulnerable in our communities, particularly homebound seniors. This funding, along with our continued partnership with Gleaners Food Bank, will allow us to continue meeting these basic needs while we work to address health disparities among all those we serve.”

With Fayette and Union distributions beginning most recently in March 2022, volunteers are still needed to help those programs flourish. Those interested in volunteering in those counties can reach out to Laura Bray, Volunteer Coordinator, at Questions regarding the expansion and/or grant can be directed to Kim Gillenwater, Marketing Manager, at Additional information about LifeStream Services and their programs can be found at

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