“I’m not a caregiver, but I step in to help with Mom sometimes.”
“I’m not a caregiver, but I step in to manage my husband’s medications and appointments.”
“I’m not a caregiver, but I step in to take a neighbor to the doctor”
If you step in to provide help or assistance to a friend, family member, or loved one – you’re a caregiver. LifeStream Services can help with support, transitions, education, and planning as you STEP In to caregiving.
LifeStream’s STEP In Caregiver Programs are a comprehensive way to educate and support family caregivers, care partners, and people with care needs. Outlined below are the current programs in place at LifeStream to support caregivers.
If you have questions or want to learn more about LifeStream’s STEP In Caregiver Programs, please contact our Caregiver Programs Coordinators.
Blackford, Delaware, Grant, Henry, Jay, Madison, and Randolph counties
Tia Drumm
765-759-1121 ext. 101
Fayette, Franklin, Rush, Union, and Wayne counties
Chelsey Krofta
765-759-1121 ext. 281
National Caregivers Month Event
LifeStream Services wants to celebrate YOU!
If you step in to provide help or assistance to a friend, family member, or loved one – you’re a caregiver!
Please join us for the 2024 National Caregivers Month Event! The purpose of this event is to recognize nonprofessional caregivers and care partners for all they do and give them an opportunity to laugh and take time for themselves.
We are honored to welcome Sky Sands – facilitator, educator, entertainer and “EnterTrainer” as this year’s speaker offering comedy, magic and motivational components. Mixing magic, audience participation, impressions and fast paced improvisation, one would not call what Sky does a “show,” but rather a unique experience.
With over 10 years of experience, Sky has honed his craft to an art…one that he still embraces each time he’s on stage, regardless of the audience size or location. Sky says “Fun is Fun!”
Community Caregiver Events
Throughout the year, LifeStream hosts events and runs campaigns to help recognize caregivers. We would like these events to give caregivers an opportunity to focus on themselves for a couple of hours and enjoy some food, activities, and company of others in similar circumstances.
Click the link below to visit our events calendar, and use the filter to sort by Caregiver event type.
Care Coaching
The ABC Care Coach Program is a program where the Care Coach evaluates how the care partner or caregiver is coping with stressors relating to dementia. The care partner and Care Coach then develop a personalized coaching plan for the care partner with the goal of reducing stress. The Care Coach will re-assess the care partner’s stress level at three-month intervals to evaluate the progress towards the goal of stress reduction. The purpose of working with a Care Coach is to help care partners implement evidence-based coping strategies to manage their loved ones cognitive, functional, behavioral, and psychological disabilities without becoming burned out.
If you are interested in learning more about Care Coaching, please contact our Care Coaches at (800) 589-1121.
STEP In Care Team Resource Binder
LifeStream Services is thrilled to provide caregivers and care partners with a resource binder that is an organizational tool used to prepare in the case that someone else may need to step in and provide care—either temporarily or permanently—and to empower caregivers who help with care needs.
Individuals who may need to step in could include another family member, a professional caregiver, a neighbor, or a friend. All of these care partners make up your care team. The binder is meant to be a helpful and important resource, not to add to your full plate.

Caregiver Resource Guide
If you step in to provide help or assistance to a friend, family member, or loved one – you’re a caregiver. LifeStream Services can help with support, transitions, education, and planning for those who STEP In to caregiving.
LifeStream’s STEP In Caregiver Programs are a comprehensive way to educate and support family caregivers, care partners, and people with care needs. Caregiver Memory Kits, resource binders, support groups, and evidence-based programs are just a few of the ways LifeStream is here to help you STEP In to caregiving.
Caregiver Memory Kits
Caregiver Memory Kits are resource kits designed for individuals living with dementia and their caregivers and care partners. The goal of these kits is to help caregivers and care partners get connected with resources to help maintain a good quality of life, as well as increase interaction between the caregiver and their loved one. These kits consist of helpful books and resources for the caregiver, as well as activities for the caregiver and their loved one to enjoy together. Those who check out these kits will also be given a keepsake packet of resources and goodies to keep upon returning the kit, courtesy of LifeStream Services.
Dementia Friends Information Session
The Dementia Friends Indiana initiative—an outreach of Dementia Friendly America®—seeks to educate communities across the state about dementia, break down the stigma surrounding dementia, and implement practical changes that make life easier to navigate for those with dementia and those who care for them. This session is great for any community member, community group, business, or organization that is interested in making their community friendlier and more conducive for those living with dementia. This session can also serve as a helpful resource for anyone who is helping care for someone living with dementia.
Dementia Caregiver Support Group
LifeStream Services partners with the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Indiana Chapter and Dementia Friends Indiana to offer a virtual Dementia Caregiver Support Group.
Memory Cafés
Memory Cafés are a welcoming safe place for people with dementia and their caregivers to enjoy activities and a break from their normal routine. Additionally, it is an opportunity to socialize and connect with others who are in a similar situation. The activities are provided at no cost; however, some activities may request a donation to cover the cost of supplies.
Paint the Towne, in partnership with Dementia Friends Indiana and LifeStream Services, is offering their Memory Café on the first Monday of the month from 11:00am to 12:00pm at their location at 411 North 8th St., Richmond, IN 47374.
Franklin County Public Library offers a Memory Café on the fourth Monday of the month from 4:30pm to 5:30pm at the Brookville Public Library at 919 Main St Brookville, IN 47012.
Rushville’s Memory Café, in partnership with Rush County Senior Citizens Center and Ride Rush, is offered the second Thursday of the month from 10am to 11am at the Rush County Senior center located at 504 W. 3rd St., Rushville, IN 46173.
Muncie’s Memory Care, in partnership with The Woodlands and Ball State University’s Health Lifestyle Center, is offered the second Friday of the month from 11:30am to 1:00pm in The Welcome Home Suite in Ball State’s Health Professions Building at 1615 W. Riverside Ave, Muncie, IN 47303.
Parenting a Second Time Around (PASTA)
PASTA is an educational and support group for adults doing kinship care, such as grandparents raising grandchildren or an aunt raising a niece or nephew. Being a primary caregiver for grandchildren and/or other children can be both a blessing and a challenge. The expectations of providing care for children, especially when older, can be overwhelming and exhausting. PASTA provides an ideal opportunity for older caregivers to receive assuring, personal support specific for their circumstances.
If you are interested in hosting PASTA or finding a PASTA program near you, please contact our Caregiver Programs Coordinators.
Blackford, Delaware, Grant, Henry, Jay, Madison, and Randolph counties
Tia Drumm
765-759-1121 ext. 101
Fayette, Franklin, Rush, Union, and Wayne counties
Chelsey Krofta
765-759-1121 ext. 281
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
This workshop helps caregivers prioritize their well-being and take care of themselves while caring for a friend or a loved one. The class meets once a week for six weeks and has been studied and shown to help family caregivers:
- Reduce stress, guilt, anger, and depression and improve emotional well-being.
- Manage time, set goals, and solve problems.
- Master caregiving transitions and be part of decision making.
- Communicate effectively with the person needing care, family members, doctors, and other helpers.
- Find and use community resources.
Interested in participating in Powerful Tools or hosting a workshop? Contact our Caregiver Programs Coordinators.
Blackford, Delaware, Grant, Henry, Jay, Madison, and Randolph counties
Tia Drumm
765-759-1121 ext. 101
Fayette, Franklin, Rush, Union, and Wayne counties
Chelsey Krofta
765-759-1121 ext. 281