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In celebration of Older Americans Month, we are recognizing the contributions made by older adults in our communities. We are sharing the nominations submitted for the LifeStream Golden Hoosier Award, which recognizes outstanding volunteerism by older adults. Stay tuned for an announcement on the winners of this award in the coming weeks.

Harry (Jimmy) Taylor

Jimmy has been delivering meals for Lifestream for 14 years. He comes in early to help set up meals for the other drivers and helps with any task he is asked to do. He has a disposition that is one-of-a-kind. He is always kind, courteous and can always make a person smile. He works his 4 hours, but most days he is here for 6 hours and volunteers those extra hours to make sure all of our clients have their meals.

Jimmy has been an active volunteer at the Richmond Ball Park for 30 years. He can always be found doing what is needed, whether that is working in the concession stand, cleaning up after a game, painting, or maintenance. During the summer months, he is there 5 days a week dedicating and sharing his time.

The word dedicated describes Jimmy Taylor. There isn’t a day that goes by when he hasn’t failed to make someone smile. He cares for his job and dedication is Harry (Jimmy) Taylor.

The LifeStream Golden Hoosier Award is Sponsored By: