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In celebration of Older Americans Month, we are recognizing the contributions made by older adults in our communities. We are sharing the nominations submitted for the LifeStream Golden Hoosier Award, which recognizes outstanding volunteerism by older adults. Stay tuned for an announcement on the winners of this award in the coming weeks.

Ann Herman

Ann has volunteered for the Richmond Rose Garden for ten years and is an active member of the Richmond community. It only seems fitting to explain Ann’s volunteerism for the Richmond Rose Garden with a ROSES acronym.

  • Reliability – Ann is a volunteer that you can count on to show up. She’s present at all of our board meetings, committee meetings, and volunteer work days. Ann shows great pride in being a lead volunteer by welcoming and training new volunteers for the Richmond Rose Garden.
  • Organized – Ann is the chair of the Richmond Rose Garden’s 1st Bloom and Glow fundraising event. This event is Ann’s baby! She has happily chaired the event for the entire 7 years it has been held. It is an annual event to celebrate the first blooms of the roses. This is the main fundraising event for the Richmond Rose Garden. Over the years, this event has grown to be one of the most talked about community events of the year in Richmond! Ann works tirelessly on this event all year long from getting sponsorships, selling tickets, and marketing the event. Ann organizes every detail of the event. Her passion for the Rose Garden along with her organization is what makes this event a success!
  • Special – Ann leads by example which makes her so special. She truly cares about her community and wants to make it a better place. Ann doesn’t tire and always possesses a can-do attitude.
  • Energy – Volunteering in the Richmond Rose Garden isn’t just about giving your time. It requires a lot of energy. Gardening isn’t always easy work! Ann’s positive energy is contagious. You will often find her working long hours in her designated bed making it look beautiful for the community to enjoy.
  • Selfless – As a volunteer, you have to learn how to work with all sorts of people. Ann is friendly and flexible. She knows when to speak up and contribute to the group. She also know show to sit back and listen. Ann always keeps the best interest of the Richmond Rose Garden in mind. She always goes above and beyond the normal volunteer duties. Ann not only supports the Richmond Rose Garden with her time, but also supports the Rose Garden financially.

The LifeStream Golden Hoosier Award is Sponsored By: