Indiana is conducting the 2024 Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults in partnership with Polco, a leader in civic engagement and survey research. Results from this survey effort will help inform the development of related policies, initiatives, and community programs throughout the state.

Randomly selected households will receive mailed survey invitations over the next few weeks. If you receive an invitation, please follow the instructions to share your input.

All Indiana residents age 60+ will be invited to participate when the state-wide survey opens on September 4. Watch for additional announcements over the next few weeks! You can also click here to “Follow” the State of Indiana CASOA, create a Polco account, and receive an email notification when the survey is live.

For more information on this survey questionnaire and/or process, contact LifeStream Services at (765) 759-1121 or i&

About Polco

Polco brings the voice of everyday residents to their community leaders with award-winning community engagement services, online polls, and survey research. With Polco, leaders around the nation can make better-informed decisions for their communities with accurate and reliable feedback. Polco is committed to a strict privacy policy, designed to keep participants’ responses confidential and protect personal data. Learn more at

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